Friday, May 18, 2012

Sad News

Hey everyone. It is with heavy heart and much thought and consideration that I have decided to discontinue writing my blog. Things have been getting really hectic and busy for me. As you've probably noticed, I haven't posted as often lately. I'm growing up, and my life is getting a lot busier. I'm going to be in the top orchestra in my high school next year, the symphony. I'm really excited for that. Also I'm taking many advanced classes, and I still have to keep time for family home evening, mutual, etc.
Indeed, I haven't had this blog for much time. I actually only started it last July. Throughout this journey, I have developed my writing skills, learned more about interacting with others online, talked with and interviewed Jenny Phillips for a post, and even had some of my stories published in a book! And it all started with a personal progress project! This just shows how many blessings I can receive through following the Lord's commandments for me.
Occasionally in the future I may post things. So, you can still stop by every once and a while. And, I'm keeping the blog up so people can still read and be inspired by my posts from the past.

I'd like to leave with my testimony.

I know that Christ lives. I know He atoned for me. And I know without a doubt that He loves me. I am absolutely sure that the Book of Mormon and Bible are true. Joseph Smith was, and is a prophet. Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today. I know that he and his apostles recieve revelation from God. And, I love temples. I know that they are the closest place to heaven that we have on earth. I know that the things accomplished in them are so powerful, wonderful, sacred, and beautiful. I love the peace, happiness, and assurance that the gospel gives me.

I hope that you all can find the strength to stand up for what you believe in. Us youth need to band together to uphold truth and righteousness. We are so strong together. The Lord chose us as His wonderful children to come to earth in these challenging and wonderful times. We get so many opportunities for good. We are very blessed. I believe in every single one of you.

And, even if I'm discontinuing my blog, maybe only temporarily, you can still email me about whatever you want. If I can help you, or anything, even though I don't know you, I would be absolutely honored to help you. Good luck. God bless.



  1. Congrats on making top orchestra, I'm sure you have earned the right to be there. Also best of luck with all of your classes, keep your testimony strong, and your mind sharp

    Tuba Dude

    1. Thank you, Tuba Dude. Hehe. I like your alias. Best of luck in your pursuits as well.

  2. how do you do it?
    i am a mormon but i can find the time to do normol suff wiht my friend.and when i take the time, i dont have time for my seminary stuff and if i do both i get to tired for school!
    so how do you do it?

    norwegian girl :)

    1. Honestly, I have no idea. I don't know how I do it. Actually, these past six months I've been running so hard, it's taking me a very long time recover. But that's why I'm putting my blog on hold for a bit. I need to scoot some things out of my life for the moment so I can recharge and get back to normal. Hopefully I will start it back up again soon!

      Keep on being awesome and trying your hardest. That's all you can do. And if you're doing your best, it's enough. Pray for strength. When I have had exceptionally hard days or weeks, I would pray for the strength to make it through the day.

      You can do it! Comment or email me ( if you need to talk about figuring out time, or if you need to vent, or chat, whatever!I believe in you!

    2. One of my leaders gave an awesome talk where he mentioned how challenging it can be to read Scriptures every day. He said, "Don't try to read every day... just read TODAY!" I thought this was brilliant advice. I often spend so much time planning everything and trying to fit all the pieces together, that I am discouraged and find it hard to even try. If you just go and do, pushing aside the doubts... things just work out! Everything! Mutual, seminary, church, school, family, homework, friends... I don't know how it works either, it just does!
      So-- don't worry about fitting everything into your busy life, just do it once, today. Tomorrow is an entirely different day. Don't get overwhelmed! =]

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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